Lame Ducks, Christmas Trees and “Sine Die”

Dorothy PelandaThe following column was submitted by State Representative Dorothy Pelanda.
In the Ohio General Assembly, the final days of the legislative session usher in two events with odd names like “lame duck” and “Sine Die”. Pieces of legislation can become “Christmas trees” during the last month of a General Assembly as a result of these two events.

The term “lame duck” originated in the 18th century as a term used for a stockbroker who defaulted on his debts.  (Bulls and bears played the market, but lame ducks were no longer part of the flock.) It was transferred to politicians in the 19th century, in describing an elected official who was approaching the end of his tenure and whose successor had already been elected.

The lame duck session, that period of time between the general election and the final day of the legislative session, is a busy time in the Ohio General Assembly.  Legislators have little remaining time to gain passage of bills they have sponsored, before the Senate and House officially adjourn for the session. The act of adjournment is known as “Sine Die.” The literal translation of this Latin term is “without day,” but in the context of the General Assembly, it means there is no tomorrow.

If a bill has not been sent to the Governor by the last day of session, the bill dies. (A dead bill can be reintroduced in the following General Assembly, where it will have to begin the legislative process all over again.) The Senate President and House Speaker have the ultimate authority to determine which bills will be brought to the Floor for a vote in these final weeks.  Bills that are likely to make it through the process can transform into “Christmas trees,” as other bills are tacked on in an effort to get them passed.  Christmas trees have something in them that everyone can like.

Senate President Keith Faber and House Speaker-elect Cliff Rosenberger are in the process of setting Session and Committee calendars for the 131st General Assembly, which will officially open on January 5, 2015, in accordance with the Ohio Constitution. I look forward to a busy session, particularly in my new role as Assistant Majority Whip.

It is my great honor and privilege to serve you in the House of Representatives. As we near the close of the 130th Assembly, and establish goals for the 131st Assembly, I pledge to work hard every day to understand your concerns, and to advocate on your behalf in the People’s House.

State Representative Dorothy Pelanda represents the 86th House District in the Ohio House of Representatives, which includes Union and Logan counties, as well as most of Marion County. You can find more information about and contact Pelanda by clicking here.

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