Memory Lane

This guest column was written by Bob Goyer, Community Relations Director of Kingston Residence of Marion

Remember the days of old; consider the generations long past. Ask your father and he will tell you, your elders and they will explain to you. Deuteronomy 32:7

I have been going down memory lane recently. For most of my childhood I grew up on a farm two miles west of Norton with my three brothers. I attended Radnor grade school through the 8th grade before moving to Prospect where I graduated from Elgin High School. Our family was a member of Waldo Lutheran Church and my mother was the choir director and a soloist. My dad’s parents and sister lived in Marion and my mother’s family (Baldauf) were well known in Marion for construction. My dad was a Borden’s salesman and my mom a full-time homemaker raising us four strong willed boys. As a result, I have many fond memories of Norton, Waldo, Radnor, Prospect and Marion.

Each of us have fond memories of our past. I don’t believe in living in the past but I do believe in appreciating the memories that made me who I am today. For example, I can remember spending my pre-school days on the farm hanging around with my best friend…a cow named Elsie. I’d spend hours in the barn feeding and petting her before my brothers came home. I can remember playing little league baseball at Radnor and sneaking into the school after the game. The school is being demolished sadly. I can remember attending the old Waldo Lutheran Church and being an acolyte, singing in the choir and using the outhouse. I spent my summer days swimming at the Prospect pool or bailing hay. I rode my bike to the Norton truck stop to buy a coke out of the machine.

The reason I wanted to share some of my memories is to encourage you to do the same. Find someone who cares enough to listen and appreciate your memories. There is something very healing and healthy about sharing your memories. When I think about my memories, I can see how certain people and circumstances have led to what my life is like now. For example, I remember my grandmother Helen Baldauf saying to me when I was around 16 years old, “You should be in public relations.” I had no idea at that time what she saw in me but I’ve been in some aspect of public relations for the past 30+ years. Some memories seem to have a deeper meaning than others. I remember when taking communion at Waldo Lutheran Church, I could literally sense and feel God’s presence. I looked forward to communion because of this.

Memories help me to see how the Lord’s hand has been on me my whole life. How He protected me, led me and helped me even when I was not aware of it. Take a walk down memory lane and consider how the Lord has been in your life. Psalms 143:5 I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.

Bob Goyer
Community Relations Director of Kingston Residence of Marion

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