Long Agenda For Marion City Council

Marion City Council will hold committee meetings prior to their regular meeting on Monday, April 26.

Jobs & Economic Development will meet at 6:30pm. They will discuss the suggested projects for the annual neighborhood revitalization funds with Evelyn Cummings of Marion Regional Planning.

Municipal Services, Parks & Recreation will meet at 7:00pm to discuss updating the job description for the position of custodian.

The regular full city council meeting starts at 7:30pm. The only matter under old business is the third reading to amend the sewer use charge

New business for discussion includes:

  • A de-appropriation of the airport salary line of the General Fund
  • A de-appropriation of the fire department health insurance line item of the General Fund
  • Advertising for bids for the 2010 Tree Removal Program
  • Advertising for bids for the 2010 Street Resurfacing Program
  • Advertising for bids for janitorial services for City Hall
  • Various additional appropriations for various grant funds
  • An additional appropriation in the storm water utility fund
  • Final project selection for the Neighborhood Revitalization Program

City Council meets on the second floor of City Hall in downtown Marion.

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