City Council Committees To Meet Tonight

Several Marion City Council Committees will meet tonight (Monday).

Finance Committee meets at 6:30pm to discuss the issuance and sale of bonds for the City and a transfer of funds.

Public Utilities Committee meets at 6:45pm to listen to a presentation by Ohio American Water regarding their latest projects. Richard Kemple will be representing the water company.

Municipal Services, Parks & Recreation Committee meets at 6:50pm to discuss, review, and update the first five non-bargaining positions in the existing Yarger Report. Those positions are Mayor’s Secretary, Clerk of Council, Administrative Assistant for Safety/Service, Senior Secretary for Law Director’s Office, and Secretary for Law Director’s Office.

Legislation, Codes & Regulations will meet at 7:00pm to discuss a liquor permit for Sundance Lounge on West Center Street. The will also review an application for a taxicab business operators license for applicant Harry Thomas.

Jobs & Economic Development will meet at 7:15pm to continue discussion on proposed projects for the Neighborhood Revitalization Grant.

Marion City Council Committees meet on the second floor of Marion City Hall on West Center Street in downtown Marion.

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