Marion area students participate in YMCA Youth in Government Day

YMCA Red LogoTwenty-two Marion area high school students participated in the 64th Ohio YMCA Youth in Government State Assembly at the Ohio Statehouse April 16, 17 and 18, 2015. Marion delegates joined 506 middle and high school students (grades 8 – 12) from throughout the state in this leadership and public service program.

“From youth sports to Youth in Government, the YMCA works daily to ensure Marion young people have opportunities to grow into their full potential,” said Marion Family YMCA Executive Director, Theresa Lubke.  Lubke further stated, “We’re pleased to see this program grow in Marion County and throughout the state. Y Youth in Government teaches more than civic engagement. Delegates develop leadership and public speaking skills.”

Preparation for some students for the YMCA Youth State Assembly began in the fall with research and writing of legislation.  Harding High School students Kendra Forman and Elijah Gerritses introduced a bill designed to implement mandatory drug testing for student athletes. Ridgedale student Everardo Tomlin brought to the floor a piece of legislation that targeted raising the minimum legal age to purchase tobacco. Ridgedale students Dominic Straquadine and Jeremiah Ramey wrote a bill that would provide tax cuts to citizens using energy and fuel efficient vehicles. River Valley students Tim Davis and Matthew Vadjunec introduced a piece of legislation that would mandate police officers be equipped with camera technology. Harding High School students Sara Cornely and Jonathan Green crafted a bill that would modify the Ohio Revised Code to allow physician assisted suicide for the terminally ill.

Other students participated in the Judicial Program where they prepared cases to be argued before the Youth Supreme Court including River Valley students Dayna White and Skyler Thompson serving as Justices and CJ Rollison who served as Associate Justice,; the Lobbyist Program where they engaged in research and advocacy for or against presented legislation; the Executive Branch Program presided over the entire State Assembly.  River Valley students Allie Woodford, Paayal Vora and Austin Chivington served as the 2015 Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of Treasury and NW Regional Manager respectively. Elgin student, Kevin Conroy was the Youth House Chaplain.

Marion area delegates were: Ridgedale High School: Jeremiah Ramey, Dominic Straquadine and Everardo Tomlin; River Valley High School: Austin Chivington, Tim Davis, CJ Rollison, Skyler Thompson, Matthew Vadjunec, Paayal Vora, Dayna White and Allie Woodford; Elgin High School: Audrey Watkins, Kevin Conroy, Jenna Mayse and Cynthia Schneider; and Harding High School: Sara Cornely, Kendra Forman, Elijah Gerritsen, Jonathan Green and Peighton Thacker.  Mt. Gilead High School students attending alongside the Marion delegation were Savanah Christian, Taylor Clark, Kevin Conroy, Cheyenne Fleming, Gavin Graham, Sabrina Helman, Tyler Jones, Alex Kauser and Tim Williamson.

Ohio YMCA Youth in Government is an annual program conducted in Marion through a partnership of area schools, the North Central Ohio Educational Service Center and the Marion Family YMCA.

Individuals or schools interested in participating in the 65th Youth Assembly, April 2016, should contact YMCA Program Director, Ben Huffman at the YMCA 740-725-9622 or [email protected].

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