Marion Public Health announced they will continue to work with the City of Marion in requiring property owners/residents to maintain their property in accordance with City code. The Codified Ordinances of the City of Marion, Chapter 678 prohibits grass or weed growth in excess of 12 inches.
Yards determined by the health department to have grass or weed growth in excess of 12 inches will have an order notice conspicuously posted on the property and a copy of the notice will be sent registered mail to the property owner. The property owner will have 5 days to bring the property into compliance with the grass and weed ordinance.
In the event the property owner does not comply with that order, the owner will be referred to the prosecutor or law director for prosecution. The owner will be responsible for court costs and for restitution of any costs involved in mowing the property.
Any owner of a foreclosed property is still responsible for the property until the deed is no longer in their name. This could take 2 years or more. It is the property owner’s responsibility to follow up with the Bank until their name is removed from the deed.
Marion Public Health will accept anonymous grass and weeds complaints made over the phone at (740) 387-6520 or you can complete a Grass & Weeds Complaint form at the health department located at 181 S. Main Street.
You may also print a Grass & Weeds Complaint form off of the health department website and mail the form to their office or send via email to
Please note that the legal process involved to provide proper notification and to allow for “due notice” to the property owner can take several weeks.