OhioHealth offering Flu Vaccination Clinics through October

Health officials say the best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccine every year. To help keep our community healthy, OhioHealth Marion Area Physicians is offering Flu Vaccination Clinics for those 18 and older in the Marion community.

Clinics will be held through 30, 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and 1:15 to 4:30 p.m., in the Injection Room at OhioHealth Marion Medical Campus, 1040 Delaware Avenue, second floor. (Patients should enter the north lobby entrance under the green awning.)

This year’s flu vaccine is the Quadrivalent vaccine, which covers the top four strains of flu viruses expected this season: Type A Christchurch, Type A Switzerland (H3N2), Type B Phuket, and Type B Brisbane. A higher dose of antigen will be available for those age 65 and older since older adults are at a greater risk of severe illness from influenza.

No appointment is necessary. Medicare and most insurance plans accepted. For more information, call (740) 383.7000.

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