Beverly Young, Executive Director of the Marion Area Counseling Center, has announced her retirement after forty years of service to the Marion community. Young has served the Counseling Center and Marion community since 1977, delivering leadership, clinical counseling and quality specialized services to the clients of MACC and the people of Marion County.
The following was submitted by MACC:
Beverly has touched countless lives in Marion County and, throughout her tenure as Executive Director has meaningful impact through her community service. Her work to assure that mental health and substance abuse treatment services are available, accessible and of the best quality, sets her apart. She works consistently in partnership with other human and social services professionals in the Marion community like; United Way, the ADAMH Board, Juvenile Court, Family Court, Municipal Court, Boys and Girls Club, Family and Children First Council, Big Brothers/Big Sisters and other local entities to increase access to services and improve the environment within Marion County to plan and implement programming that is in the best interest of men, women, children and families.
She is a member of the National Association of Women in Management, National Council on Alcoholism, A past board President of the Ohio Council of Behavioral Health and Family Services Providers and also served as the Council’s Public Policy Chairperson, a past board member for Ohio Behavioral Healthcare Partnership and a member of the Marion General Hospital’s board. She has served as Junior Service Guild Treasurer for 6 years, Chairperson of Community needs for Junior Service Guild as well as its Community Needs Committee, Christmas Clearinghouse New Toy Chairperson and Ways and Means Chairperson. She is a member of Marion Rotary Club. She is a Board Member for Family and Children First Council, a Member of Women’s Business Council. She is a Pillar for United Way of Marion County and a Patron for the Palace Theatre, and is a past Board member of the Marion Chamber of Commerce. Bev is also a member of the First Church of the Brethren, and she has been a leader in developing the annual Homeless dinner providing meals at Thanksgiving time to the community at the Salvation Army.
Beverly Young has provided exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment to helping Clients attain a healthy and positive lifestyle by helping them deal with many Behavioral Healthcare issues, has overseen the Substance Abuse Treatment Services that MACC provides.