PUCO’s five tips for safe home heating

The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) offers home heating safety reminders as the winter season arrives.

  • Once a year, have your furnace, vents, flues and chimneys inspected by a qualified service professional.
  • CO detectors should be installed and regularly tested outside of each sleeping area in the home.
  • Plug portable space heaters directly into an outlet (not an extension cord) and make sure they stay at least three feet from anything that can burn such as curtains, paper and furniture. Look for models that have an automatic shut-off.
  • Test and replace the batteries in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors regularly.
  • Leave the house immediately and call 911 if carbon monoxide is detected or you suspect a gas leak. Carbon monoxide poisoning creates flu-like symptoms and can cause extreme illness or death. Signs of a gas leak include a rotten egg or sulfur-like odor.

For more information on natural gas safety and home heating assistance programs, visit the PUCO website at www.PUCO.ohio.gov or call the PUCO Call Center at (800) 686-PUCO (7826).

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