For those interested in making a difference in the health of our community, the Marion County District Advisory Council is currently accepting letters of interest from people who would like to serve as a member of the Marion Public Health Board.
The Board of Health has fiduciary authority over the $2.5 million dollar budget and is the policy-making, rule making, and judicatory body for Marion Public Health. The 7 member board meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 5:00 pm at the health department. The Board member will fill a 3-year term that will expire in March of 2021. Board members are compensated $80.00 per meeting.
Nominations for the appointment will also be taken from the floor during the Marion County District Advisory Meeting on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at 6:00 pm. This meeting will be held at the health department and all interested parties are encouraged to attend.
The appointment will be made with regard to equal representation of all parts of the Health District. The District Advisory Council may consider the applicant’s place of residence and employment.
Interested parties are asked to submit a letter of interest and qualifications to Marion County District Advisory Council, c/o Marion Public Health – Lisa Cook, 181 S. Main Street, Marion OH 43302 or to [email protected]