“Keyboard Friends At Play” to feature newly installed church organ

A Marion Music Club free monthly program for the community will dramatize some of the extraordinary features of a newly installed Rodgers church organ completed in 2017 at the Prospect Street United Methodist Church (PSUMC), 185 South Prospect Street in downtown Marion. Keyboardist and club member Gary Flach has organized a group of local musicians for a “Keyboard Friends At Play” program on Sunday, April 22, 3:00 p.m.

Area church organists, along with several pianists, will present solos and duets that represent various musical styles, including religious, classical, semi-classical and popular. Performers include Allan Lust, Sandy Becker, Paul Burnside, Ron Turner, Betty McElroy, Josh Niles, Val Freeman-Hedges, Jenny Heacock, James Besch, Jim Anderson, and Gary Flach.

The Rodgers Instruments Corporation (est. May 1, 1958), is an American manufacturer of classical church organs – digital, pipes, and combined. The manufacturing facility for PSUMC’s organ, a combined/hybrid model, and the Rodgers world headquarters are located in Hillsboro, Oregon.

The Music Club is reaching out to the community to actively seek new members. Trained/experienced performers, as well as those who enjoy listening to music and want to help support MMC’s free musical performances for the community, are welcome to become members. The MMC annual $25 membership fee includes membership in and newsletters from the Ohio and the National Federations of Music Clubs.

At the monthly performances, in a scholarship donation basket, and at any time, contributions are gratefully accepted for the club’s college and music camp scholarships annually awarded to local high school and middle school students.

For membership and/or to make a scholarship donation, contact MMC President Ednita Vaflor 740-389-4837 <[email protected]>

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