Over 16 Positions Could Be Cut At Pleasant

The Pleasant Board of Education discussed multiple cuts to teachers and programs during a meeting on Monday, May 17. The Board will meet again on Monday, May 24, to make the final list of cuts and vote on the measure. The moves are expected to save over $750,000 during the next school year.

The potential cut list at this point includes the following positions:

  • Not filling Flags Director for Marching Band
  • Not filling High School Lit Magazine/News Advisor
  • Reduce Assistant Treasurer to 3/4 time if Teachers’ Association agrees to receiving payroll one time per month and mandates direct deposit and email notices
  • Reduce the school nurse from 720 hours annually to 532 hours
  • RIF a part-time administrative contract
  • RIF an administrative contract for 2011-2012 if no new levy is passed
  • RIF half of a high school secretary position
  • RIF half of a middle school secretary position
  • RIF a middle school study hall monitor
  • RIF a high school study hall monitor
  • RIF a part-time ISS detention monitor
  • RIF (0.6 FTE) elementary guidance
  • RIF  (.4 FTE) middle school guidance
  • RIF a 4th/5th grade math tutor
  • RIF half of a K-12 certified Spanish teacher
  • RIF an elementary library aide position
  • RIF a middle school library aide position
  • RIF a middle school special education position
  • RIF a high school special education position
  • RIF a middle school art position (transferred to elementary)
  • RIF a K-12 certified music position
  • RIF another half of a certified music position
  • RIF a K-8 certified middle school position

In addition to the above positions that will be cut, the Board is discussing a plan to increase class sizes through staff attrition.

Higher School Fees
Another way the Board is looking to shore up finances is by increasing the pay to participate fees for the 2010-2011 school year. The fees for OHSAA sanctioned sports would be raised to $250 per student with no family cap. There also would be no exemption for those families who qualify for free and reduced lunches. There is no limit on the number of activities in which a student may participate.

Middle School extra-curricular inter-mural activities would be $100 per year/per child. Again, there is no limit on the number of activities in which a student may participate.

The participation fee will not include the mandatory drug testing program, which will be an additional $60 per student. This program is required for students participating in extra-curricular activities and those wishing to drive to school.

The participation fees do not include band, as it is a curricular program, and does not include school clubs, such as French Club, Year Book, etc.

The fee increase is only the first step. The Board says that if a new levy is not passed, they will be forced to cancel all extra-curricular activities for the 2011-2012 school year.

Other Cuts and Changes
The Board is discussing additional cuts and changes to operations, including:

  • Cancelling the summer physical education program for 2010
  • Closing all buildings after school to non-fee activities
  • Cancelling the summer 2010 band camp travel
  • Turning off classroom lights on sunny days
  • Turning off the air conditioning in exterior elementary classrooms
  • Shutting down all buildings during breaks

The cuts outlined above are those being discussed by the Board. They will vote on the proposal and any changes at their meeting on Monday, May 24.

About Sean DeWitt

Sean DeWitt is an owner of Neighborhood Image and Marion Online. Sean is a board member of Boys & Girls Club of Marion County and involved with various other non-profits including Downtown Marion, EnVISIONing Marion County, and more.