PUCO provides energy conservation and safety tips for the holiday season

This time of year, many Ohio families begin putting up decorations to celebrate the holidays. Decorations help make the season bright, but can also create safety hazards. The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) offers some tips to ensure a safe and energy efficient holiday season. Decorating safely Decorating this holiday season can be done […]

City starting up 2017 curbside yard waste collection

The City of Marion is announcing that weekly yard waste collection at curbside for the 2017 collection season is scheduled to begin on Monday, April 17 and will run through Friday, December 8. The curbside pick-up for yard waste generally occurs on the day following each resident’s regular trash collection day (example: Friday trash pick-up […]

“Green your business” is the topic of the WBC luncheon for April

“Green Your Business” will be the theme for the Marion Women’s Business Council luncheon on Monday, April 10, 2017 at 11:30 a.m. Angela Carbetta, Marion County Recycling & Litter Prevention Director, promises lively trash talk and recycled jokes, along with earth-friendly door prizes for all members and guests in attendance. She will share tips about […]

PUCO and Ohio EPA promote “Fix a Leak Week”

Household leaks can waste more than 1 trillion gallons of water per year in the United States alone. That’s equal to the annual household water use of more than 11 million homes. Together with Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA), the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) is promoting “Fix a Leak Week,” March 20–26, […]

Campus prairie to conduct prescribed burn

A wildfire management course from The Ohio State University’s Columbus campus will conduct a controlled prairie burn at the Larry R. Yoder Prairie Learning Lab on the Marion campus, Saturday October 22, 2016, weather permitting. According to Ohio State Marion staff member Marketa Lillard, who co-coordinates activities on the prairie with Professor Bob Klips, the […]

Lill family honored with 2016 Conservation Farm Family Award

The Ohio Department of Agriculture today recognized five families representing each region of the state as winners of the 2016 Conservation Farm Family Awards at the Farm Science Review in London. This was the 33rd year of the awards program. “Farmers were the first conservationists, and to this day the conservation efforts they employ will […]

ODNR urges people to leave wildlife in the wild

The spring season has arrived, offering many opportunities for Ohioans to help protect young wildlife. Each year, Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) officials offer this simple advice: enjoy wildlife from a distance, and leave young animals alone. Wild animals are born to live their lives in the wild, and sometimes good intentions can hurt […]

Ohio is No. 1 in nation for Tree City USA Communities

Ohio was recognized as the leading Tree City USA state in the nation for the 35th consecutive year, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). The Buckeye State currently has 241 participating cities, villages and townships that have achieved the Tree City USA designation for 2015. “We are proud to once again be […]

PUCO highlights the benefits of energy efficiency and conservation

The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) reminds Ohioans that energy efficiency benefits you, your household and the environment. A few simple steps can help you to save money, help the environment and take better control of the energy used in your home. Save money The energy used to heat and run your home can […]

Road crews, volunteers collect 400,000 bags of trash across the state

Last year, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), Adopt-A-Highway volunteers and inmates collected nearly 400,000 bags of trash from Ohio’s roadways. That’s 10 bags of trash for every lane mile of state, U.S. and interstate routes in Ohio. “Litter is a persistent and preventable problem,” said ODOT Director Jerry Wray. “Not only is it expensive […]