Harding High School Event Aimed at Teen Driver Safety

Teens have the highest crash rate of any group in the United States, and spring and summer prove especially dangerous for these young drivers. In an effort to keep teens safe on the road, AAA is hosting free vehicle maintenance inspections (and a free lunch) for students at Harding High School on Friday, May 11. 2012.

Motorcycle Awareness Month Promotes “Sharing the Road”

The American Motorcycle Association (AMA) is urging all road users to look around, check your mirrors, and consciously watch for motorcycles during Motorcycle Awareness Month in May 2012. This month’s outreach is an annual effort by the motorcycling community, particularly since in many states like Ohio few motorcycles were on the road in the winter and early spring months.

AAA Expands Efforts to End Texting While Driving

In the coming month, drivers in Marion County, along with those in 18 other Ohio counties, will encounter AAA billboards that read “SRSLY, DNT TXT AND DRV.” In addition, radio listeners throughout Ohio will hear messages highlighting the dangers of distracted driving and urging them to stop texting behind the wheel.

Patrol Reminds Drivers to Keep Their Eyes on the Road

The Ohio State Highway Patrol is reminding drivers to keep their eyes and focus on the roadway while driving. From 2009 to 2011 there were 31,231 crashes that were caused by distracted driving in Ohio. Seventy-four of these crashes ended in a death and 7,825 included injuries.

Ohio Tornado Outbreak Starts Severe Weather Season Early

March 25-31 is Ohio's Severe Weather Awareness Week, proclaimed by Governor John R. Kasich and promoted by the Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness, to encourage residents to prepare for weather incidents that typically occur during spring and summer months, but they may strike at any time.

Topix Website Agrees to Changes Combating Cyber Bullying

Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray Monday joined 33 other attorneys general to announce a joint statement with Topix focused on cleaning up cyber bullying related to the news forum website. The agreement is the result of a multi-state effort requesting that Topix.com change its website policies concerning abusive postings involving minors.

Water Safety Urged, “Stay Out and Stay Alive”

The Federal Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) and the Ohio Aggregates and Industrial Minerals Association (OAIMA)  have joined forces to promote summer water safety through the “Stay-Out and Stay-Alive” program.

Drunk Boaters Target of Ohio’s Waterways Safety Enforcement

As many as 70 State Watercraft officers, joined by U.S. Coast Guard and local marine patrol officers, will participate in Operation Dry Water June 25-27 to remove boaters impaired by alcohol and drugs from state waterways, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Watercraft.

Fire and BBQ Safety Tips Offered

As Ohioans prepare for the start of summer this Memorial Day weekend, the Division of State Fire Marshal is encouraging citizens to take added safety precautions with fireworks, outdoor grills and campfires.

Tips Offered For Avoiding Water Illness

The week before Memorial Day, May 24–30, 2010, is National Recreational Water Illness (RWI) Prevention Week. Marion Public Health says the goal of this observance is to raise awareness about healthy swimming behaviors, including ways to prevent recreational water illnesses (RWIs).