City Council Holding Two Special Meetings

Marion City Council will hold two special meetings to pass three appropriation issues. The ordinances received their first reading at the regular Council meeting on Monday. At that time there were not enough votes to bypass the required three readings.

In order to approve the appropriations more quickly, Council will hold two special meetings, and thereby hold the required three readings, this week.

City Council Meets Monday

Marion City Council meets on Monday evening to discuss various items including:

City Council Committees Meeting on Tuesday

Three Marion City Council Committees will meet on Tuesday, August 17, to discuss topics including vacating two alleys, using compressed natural gas for City vehicles, and various appropriations and transfers.

Short Agenda Awaits City Council Monday

Marion City Council meets at 7:30 pm on Monday, August 9, to discuss a short agenda with just three items, including:

City Council Committees Meet Monday

Several Marion City Council Committees will meet Monday to discuss various items including a liquor permit, transfers, grant funds, and other items.

The Finance Committee meets at 6:30 pm to discuss advertising for fuel, salt, and road paint bids as well as various fund transfers.

Long Agenda Awaits City Council Monday

Marion City Council meets on Monday to discuss a long agenda, including nine ordinances that call for issuing new bond notes. Before the full Council meets, two committees will meet and that could mean even more things for the full Council to discuss.

Council Committee Meeting Canceled for Tuesday

The Marion City Council's Municipal Services Committee meeting scheduled for tonight (Tuesday) has been canceled. The meeting, to discuss various job descriptions for City employees, will be held Monday, June 28, at 6:45 pm.

That meeting will be followed by a Finance Committee meeting at 7:00 pm and then the full City Council meeting at 7:30 pm.

Council Committee Meets Tuesday

The Municipal Services, Parks & Recreation Committee of Marion City Council meets Tuesday night at 6:35 pm. They will be discussing updated to the job descriptions for Engineering Aide II, Custodian, and Building Maintenance Supervisor. This is part of an ogoing update to the City's job descriptions.

Absences Require Additional Council Meetings

Marion City Council met in regular session Monday night, but vacations and a need to pass a grant proposal this week is requiring more meetings to be held.

Electronic Billboard Approved by Council Committee

The Finance Committee of Marion City Council approved plans for a new electronic billboard in downtown Marion. The measure still needs to be approved by the full Council, which could occur this week.