Ohio school board votes to eliminate “5 of 8” rule

Schools won’t likely have to have a nurse anymore. Guidance counselors? They soon may not be required. Librarians? They’re on their way to being just an option.

While schools still have to provide an arts, music and physical education curriculum, the state is on its way to wiping out requirements of how many of those teachers a school needs.

The state school board Tuesday voted 14-5 to take steps toward eliminating the longstanding “5 of 8” rule – a rule requiring schools to have at least five student support personnel from eight categories for every 1,000 students.

Those eight are: elementary art, music or physical education teachers, school counselors, library media specialists, school nurses, social workers and “visiting teachers.”

Today’s vote after three hours of debate isn’t final, though. State law requires two administrative reviews of the change before the board would take its final vote on the change again next year.

If approved again, the change won’t eliminate those positions as some have worried, but leaves staffing decisions up to individual districts. Supporters of the change say it removes an unfunded mandate that unfairly restricts districts from serving residents as they know best.

Opponents of the change say the state needs to set minimum standards, or districts will slash these positions as soon as budgets are tight. Since poor districts will have more budget troubles, they argue, these cuts will hit less affluent students harder than more affluent ones.

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