When Does Life Begin?

On the pro-life vs pro-choice debate (and I’m not sure if I can call it that anymore as some are changing the definitions of those phrases to fit their needs)…..

Before you come up with a view one way or the other, you have …. have…. have… to ask yourself….. when does life begin?

If you can not answer that question (not in my comments but in your head), stop championing your cause until you can. 

If life starts at conception, your views should follow.
If life starts at a heart beat, your views should follow.
If life starts at birth, your views should follow. 

Once you know when life starts, ask yourself do your views match that belief?

You can not believe that life begins at conception and then say it’s ok to kill a baby because the mother made a mistake or doesn’t have the financial means to support the child. That’s murder. 

However, if life begins at birth, then your statement would make sense. It’s just part of the nine month period you have to choose rather or not you want to bring this life into this world. 

When you are smugly trashing on others for wanting to take a women’s rights to her body or wanting to defend a baby’s right to life…… I ask, “when does life begin”?

If the person believes that life begins at conception, then they are not attacking you and the rights to do what you want with your body. They are wanting to keep a life from being terminated. If they didn’t, they would be a monster.

If a person had an abortion and life doesn’t start until delivery, they are not a monster. They see it only as their health. 

Does that mean everyone has their own “truth” and we should just stop the conversation. By all means…. no! There is a truth…. when does life begin? That is the conversation.

I see many people hold views that are inconsistent to their belief on this question. Please, stop and wrestle with that before imposing your bluntness on others.

I believe life begins at conception. Why? I’m a Christian. I have looked at it Biblically and it’s clear to me that life begins at conception. My views follow.

For one who is pro-choice and claims to be a Christian, I only ask you to go back to the Word. Far too often, pro-life Christians have said to me they have not studied it for themselves or they say things that start with “it just seems to me” (not just on this topic but others). Stop. Take the question of when life begins to the Word. Find the answer. Act accordingly. This is not a political issue first and foremost for us. 

Most importantly, if you have had an abortion and you regret it, if you find yourself in an unplanned pregnancy, if you have been abused, if you have been judged, if you have gone to Christians and they get political on you real fast…… I’m sorry. Christ loves you. I’m here if you need it. I also highly recommend the folks at Voice of Hope Pregnancy Center

Prayers and Blessings…..


About Tom Hypes

Tom Hypes is an ordained Pastor who has served in churches and the camping ministry for over 25 years. He currently leads at The Shepherd's Fellowship and volunteers at Leapin' Outreach (clothing ministry), Marion County Citizen Circle (helping clients with transitions from prison to community), Kirkpatrick Food Pantry, and ministers in the local nursing homes. He has also contributed to Group Magazine, CBA Marketplace, and Youth Worker Magazine. He serves in his ministry in the partnership with his family; wife Jenni, son Ryan, and daughter Emily.