Council Holding Two Water Company Discussion on Monday

Marion City Council will hold two discussions on Monday, June 10, 2013 about Aqua Ohio’s plan to start using chloramines as a secondary disinfectant. The discussion was originally set to be held along with the regular Council meeting at 7:30pm, but an additional session has now been scheduled earlier in the evening. Municipal Services, Parks […]

City Council Tells Aqua to Wait on New Chemical, Threatens Stiff Fines

Marion City Council issued a strong rebuke to Aqua Ohio officials following discussions about the water company’s plans to start using chloramine as a secondary disinfectant. Aqua says the process is safe and needed to ensure EPA compliance, but Council members said residents deserve time and alternatives. At the end of a long meeting, Council […]

Council Members Question Water Company’s Chemical Change

Marion City Council members are asking officials with Aqua Ohio to appear at a public hearing to answer questions about their plans to start adding a new chemical as part of the procedures they use to disinfect local water supplies. Water company officials say they plan to attend the meeting to answer questions, but stress […]

City Traffic Commission Discusses Dangerous Intersection, Bike Route

The City of Marion Traffic Commission met Tuesday, May 21, 2013 to discuss a request by residents to improve the safety at the intersection of Woodrow and Uncapher Avenues. While residents asked for the creation of a four-way stop, commission members said they needed more information before making a decision. The intersection has been the […]

Alley Vacation Requested for Proposed Restaurant

Marion City Council’s Streets and Sewers Committee Tuesday evening gave initial approval to a request to vacate a north/south alley between 436, 442 North Main Street and 443 North State Street. The vacation was requested by the property owner, BEC Realty. Vacating an alley means that it is no longer a public roadway and it […]

Councilman Suggests City Provide EMS to Outlying Areas

Marion City Councilman Josh Daniels has suggested that the City should offer its EMS services to outlying residents, particularly the Green Camp area. Daniels, at the City Council meeting Monday evening, said the City’s service would be less expensive and more accountable than those offered by private providers. “I would attest that we have the […]

Council Approves Radio, Transit Dispatch Improvements and New Recycling Truck

Marion City Council on Monday approved resolutions to upgrade radios for the Central Garage as well as the Streets and Sanitation Departments. They also approved new software and hardware for Marion Area Transit, the purchase of a new recycling truck, and issued the initial selection of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) projects. The City plans […]

Marion City Council to Consider Grant Applications

Marion City Council will meet on Monday, April 8, 2013 to discuss a variety of topics, including the project proposals for the 2013 Community Development Block Grants (CDBG). Those projects will be presented during the Jobs and Economic Development Committee which will meet at 6:45 pm. Following the committee meeting, the full City Council will […]

Council Members Decry Demolition at Quarry Park

Several members of Marion City Council, led by Josh Daniels, spoke out against the recent work done at Quarry Park which included the demolition and removal of two kiln buildings. Council complained that they were not consulted about the work and only learned about after it was too late to intervene. Following the regular City […]

Marion City Council Committee to Discuss Rezoning

Marion City Council will hold committee meetings on Tuesday, March 19, 2013. Items on the agenda include pension pick-up plans for fire and police personnel, resurfacing of State Route 309, and the rezoning of two lots on North State Street. Finance Committee meets at 6:30pm and will discuss restated resolutions of the pension pick-up plan […]